Basic principles of the Policy

This policy document has identified main issues relating to the Diaspora. It is believed that the partnership of the Ethiopian Diaspora with their country will be strengthened by implementing these activities. This partnership will be based on commonly shared national interests and uses the country’s policy directions as the basis to make it more transparent.

A Sector wide Approach

  • To give effect to the Diaspora policy, Diaspora affairs shall be done collaboratively with many stakeholders.


  • It should be underlined that the Diaspora Policy should support poverty eradication activities; the alpha and omega of our endeavours.

Resources Utilization

  • Assuring the execution of Diaspora Policy must be considered in the availability of our resource and capacity.


  • The Diaspora policy shall be implemented in an integrated way with national development policies, strategies and programs.


  • The Diaspora Policy shall be implemented in participation of government, non- government and the Diaspora.


  • The Diaspora Policy shall be followed its implementation with transparency approach.


  • Partnership will be based on enhancing Diaspora participation and ensure to preserve their rights and interest abroad.

Major Goals of the Policy

  • Preserving the rights and interests of the Diaspora
  • Improving Diaspora Engagement in Investment, Trade and Tourism
  • Enhancing Knowledge and Technology Transfer
  • Encouraging Foreign Currency Inflows and Strengthening Diaspora Participation
  • Promoting Cultural Values and Promoting Image Building
  • Encouraging Philanthropy and Development Associations
  • Broadening Diaspora Participation on Image Building

Strategies of the policy

  • Establishing reliable information collection and delivery system
  • Rewarding and recognizing Diaspora participation
  • Encouraging organized participation
  • Issuance of identification card
  • Assisting members of the Diaspora

Executive Bodies of the Policy

  • The ministry of Foreign Affairs as mandated by proclamations would be responsible in ensuring the implementation of the Diaspora policy.
  • National Diaspora Council would be established representing various higher federal and regional officials and stakeholders.
  • Advisory council would be established comprising Ethiopian Diaspora participating in different fields in the country, and also in missions.
  • Regional Diaspora offices would direct and coordinate their Diaspora participation.
  • A common forum of regional Diaspora offices would be established under the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so as to lead their activities in an integrated way, and this would be made to have continuity and accountability.
  • A mechanism to establish permanent meeting for organized associations related to Diaspora would be put in place to meet with the office and each other.
  • A mechanism to establish monitoring and evaluation among the Diaspora policy implementing offices put in place to the better follow up of the policy implementation.
Last modified on Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:03